On J2eeCrossing
By City:
Date | Location | Job title |
Feb 10, 23 | Albany, NY |
Software Architect (J2EE, JDBC, JSP and XML, Eclipse, Netbeans, Spring, Tomcat, JBoss, Websphere)
HBITS-04-12591 The selected candidate will be responsible for providing guidance and developing conversion scripts for all assessing units as they mov... |
Feb 15, 23 | Albany, NY |
Software Architect (J2EE, EJB, JDBC, JSP and XML, Java, IBM development environment, IDEs, RAD, WAS)
HBITS-04-12597 The selected candidate will be responsible for all phases of the System Development Life Cycle for complex projects. The responsibilit... |
Feb 23, 23 | Albany, NY |
Software Architect (J2EE, JDBC, JSP and XML, Eclipse, NetBeans, or IntelliJ, Tomcat, JBoss, SQL)
HBITS-04-12613 The selected candidate will be responsible for all phases of the System Development Life Cycle for large complex projects. The respons... |
Feb 28, 23 | Albany, NY |
Software Architect (IDE, RAD, WAS, J2EE, EJB, JDBC, JSP, XML, JADE, IBM DB2, IBM MQSeries)
HBITS-04-12618 The selected candidate will be responsible for all phases of the System Development Life Cycle for a multi-tiered complex system. The ... |
Mar 12, 23 | Albany, NY |
Software Architect (J2EE, JDBC, JSF and XML, RAD, WAS, Filenet, Cognos, Govt/CJIS Exp)
HBITS-04-12646 This individual will be expected to participate in the following activities: Implement Integrated Justice Portal standards related... |