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J2EE Architect Jobs

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Date Location Job title
Feb 10, 23 Albany, NY Software Architect (J2EE, JDBC, JSP and XML, Eclipse, Netbeans, Spring, Tomcat, JBoss, Websphere)
HBITS-04-12591 The selected candidate will be responsible for providing guidance and developing conversion scripts for all assessing units as they mov...
Feb 15, 23 Albany, NY Software Architect (J2EE, EJB, JDBC, JSP and XML, Java, IBM development environment, IDEs, RAD, WAS)
HBITS-04-12597 The selected candidate will be responsible for all phases of the System Development Life Cycle for complex projects. The responsibilit...
Feb 23, 23 Albany, NY Software Architect (J2EE, JDBC, JSP and XML, Eclipse, NetBeans, or IntelliJ, Tomcat, JBoss, SQL)
HBITS-04-12613 The selected candidate will be responsible for all phases of the System Development Life Cycle for large complex projects. The respons...
Feb 28, 23 Albany, NY Software Architect (IDE, RAD, WAS, J2EE, EJB, JDBC, JSP, XML, JADE, IBM DB2, IBM MQSeries)
HBITS-04-12618 The selected candidate will be responsible for all phases of the System Development Life Cycle for a multi-tiered complex system. The ...
Mar 12, 23 Albany, NY Software Architect (J2EE, JDBC, JSF and XML, RAD, WAS, Filenet, Cognos, Govt/CJIS Exp)
HBITS-04-12646 This individual will be expected to participate in the following activities: Implement Integrated Justice Portal standards related...